Bill Phillips’ Transformation


The name Bill Phillips will be familiar to many as the author of the bestselling Body for Life, the New York Times bestseller first released in 1999. Body for Life has helped over one million people all over the world take control of their bodies through exercise and nutrition, giving them a framework around what to eat and how to work out effectively. Bill’s new work (rest assured, it is a body of work) Transformation: The Mindset You Need. The Body You Want. The Life You Deserve takes us on a very personal journey on what he has learnt in the years since. In a nutshell, how consciousness and spirituality form the building blocks of our physical selves. That not just happiness, but our very wellbeing, is an inside job. That until we are well on the inside, we can’t be well on the outside.

What Bill is outlining so clearly with this work is something that resonates with me on every level; that we must take responsibility for creating our own reality. That we must become more conscious, not just of what we eat and how we exercise, but of what enters our bodies in the form of advertising, the spaces we inhabit, and our very thoughts. He’s obviously a big believer in my favourite quote: When You Change the Way You See the World, You Change the World. Beginning with your own…

Bill has set himself the goal of taking the US “from worst to first in terms of health and wellbeing” within ten years. That is an enormous goal, but you know what; if anyone can do it I believe Bill can. That being said; it’s not actually up to Bill. It’s up to each of us. Bill has provided an outline, a blueprint that is quite simple; though it won’t be easy to follow. Nothing worthwhile ever is. The steps involved will take commitment and a huge amount of courage. Bill thinks you are up for it though. So do I.

Do yourself a favour and grab a copy of what I believe is one of the most important books of the decade; and make sure to share it with those you love who need it most. Here is the link again: Bill Phillips’ Transformation.

